Sunday, December 5, 2010

Its been a while...

As I am sitting here watching Harry Potter movies and telling myself I should really REALLY be doing my homework.... I just feel in a daze.

Finishing my homework is very important, because essentially it is my final. I just cannot get myself to write these Unit Overviews. I can't do it. It is so time consuming and hard. Its really hard work thinking of lessons to teach highschool students when you have to conform to a certain restriction of what you are teaching. Sometimes I hate working in a group, if I was by myself I could have picked the things I want to teach students but its not the way it is. And life isn't fair.

Sigh. Well 2 unit overviews done, 2 to go. 4 lesson plans to write, course overview to write, goals, mission statement............ BLAHHHH

Then an 8 page paper for another class, and I have to make a prototype of a desk cover.

This semester needs to be over soon, I am tired, stressed, hungry, and POOR. Haha.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barnes and Noble trip....

I got this interesting book today at Barnes and Noble... its called Stiff. The Curious Life of Human Cadavers. By Mary Roach.

The quote on the book reads "One of the funniest and most unusual books of the year... Gross, educational, and unexpectedly sidesplitting." I think that is what captivated me the most, plus I glimpsed through the book and at the end it informs someone on how to donate their body to science, which I think is pretty cool.

I would donate my body to science. I don't think I would mind my body being out in a controlled wooded area being eaten by animals and bugs. Hell, it happens. Plus I wont need my body anymore, and then when I am all decomposed my relatives can have my bones back to bury somewhere. Cool beans right?

Yeah, that may have been a bit morbid, but its the truth.

I really enjoy listening to OneRepublic lately--- it keeps me feeling upbeat. Lately I have been feeling down slightly.

I did lose 23 pounds though-- so thats good :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hot cocoa and smiles :)

It is finally november, and finally starting to feel like fall.
I will be teaching in a highschool for a day on November 16th, I am pretty nervous. I really don't like teaching highschool, I think I would do so much better teaching elementary or middle school. ANYhoo, I am also going to be teaching a class at the elderly home I work at, and a class at the retirement place my grandmother lives in.
It should be pretty interesting-- Hopefully fun, and not scary or terrifying. Hopefully no one strokes out or has a heart attack while I am teaching them to watercolor, or use charcoal.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I feel like I should organize something like people making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless.

These are my thoughts. Almost everyone loves pb and j, and will always eat it. A homeless person probably will eat it, because they are starving.

So this is the bad point, what if they are allergic? then they have a reaction and die I guess....

and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich fills another gap... either the homeless person gets food and does not starve, or they die of an allergic reaction.

its kind of a win win I think...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sexual Chocolate?

So, its pretty early in the morning, like.... 1:42am.
My roommate (who lives in the room next to me) is having extremely loud sex with her boyfriend. I understand that they want to be intimate, thats cool, and its cool that they do it this late, thats fine, but not when I am still awake.

I am trying to drown out the noise with the TV and headphones. It was hard to do at first without the headphones since I had to coil a fucking pot.


I guess I don't have to feel as bad now when my boyfriend comes to stay over (at least my bed isn't THAT squeaky!) haha.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

R.I.P 'ol buddy 'ol pal...

This would be my dog Bandit. He was put down today because he was 15 yrs + old... and would crap all over the house almost everyday. I loved this dog, and he was the only part of my mother that I had left (Because he was her dog)

Although he may look like a Cujo in this picture, he is actually a really sweet dog. I love you Bandit, rest in peace. :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Caramel apples for the G-rents.

We are cute, aren't we? Hehe.
Well today has been interesting so far. I woke up pretty late to my cat smacking me in the face with his paws, that wasn't too fun.

I was like.. okay the cat needs food... so I got dressed, did a load of laundry, went to the store. While I was at the store I thought, wow I am so close to my grandparents house, maybe I should visit them. Then I thought, man, maybe I should buy them something?

So I bought them both a caramel apple :)

Today my cousin is having a party at her house in New Jersey. I am going with my wonderful boyfriend. I am going to eat tons of food, because I can and then tomorrow I will start hardcore on my diet.

Fun times.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sometimes I wish I was a ninja....

Days like this one make me wish I was a ninja.

My boyfriend is Chuck Norris when it comes to tickle fights, and I always loose miserably. I wish I could be a ninja and finally get to his underarm/side of ribcage tickle weakness. But no, I fail.

Also, there is a fucking fruit fly that keeps trying to attack my face. I am not pleased, I just tried to kill it twice sitting here while writing this blog.

Today, I went to an Amish/Mennonite couple's house. They are hoarders obviously by the barn loads of junk they have accumulated in their backyard. However, I did manage to buy a hand for .50 cents, and a Hawaiian doll thinger mah-jig for .25 cents. :) it was a sweet deal.

I was going to buy a doll, cut off its arms and use it in my project but after picking up the doll and inspecting, I noticed bugs crawling on it. My mind immediately jump to the conclusion that they were beg bugs, freaked out, threw the doll down and got the hell out of there.

I can only imagine the bed bug infestation in my apartment that was built in the 70s. My goodness that would blow. My apartment is kind of freaking. For example, I ALWAYS hear someone walking on the roof, knocking on my wall (which is against an empty apartment), there is a crawlspace in the floor of my roommate's closet down stairs with a beer bottle in it. Just a bunch of random shit.

I am not going to class today because A.) I feel like I probably won't miss anymore of this class this semester. B.) I am sleepy. C.) I just really don't fucking feel like going D.) I bought that hand so I will be poppin' out amazing ceramic shit like no one's business! E.) I hate most of the people in that class. F.) I usually don't have a place to create work anyway, so I feel like it doesn't matter.


Okay must sleep for an hour, then work on lesson plan stuff & journal.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Should I really become a teacher?

Should I really become a teacher?
That is the question of the day....

I get so nervous... and I have to teach my class at 6pm today... I am FREAKING out.

Blahhhh. :(

I hope I can do this when it is actual students....

freaking.... out....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunflower smile :)

My dog tried to eat a sunflower today... what a loser.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When you think of hands what do you think?
I think giving, taking, shaking, waving, holding, touching, squeezing, building, writing, signing, communication, gestures.
I also think about hands when we are born-- the doctor holds us, catches us. we get passed over to our mothers who hold us. we get passed around.
I then think about death and hands. The image that sticks in my mind of hands at a funeral are the hands of the person who is dead. Their hands are folded onto one another. They are the only one that is holding them.
In the end you hold yourself, your hands hold you.

I don't really know what my fascination with hands is. And it is definitely not a fetish--- I do not get aroused by hands. I just think of hands in many different ways. And to me, hands can have very many different meanings.

In ceramics I am in studio 1, which is a level where you can make whatever you want, there is no set assignments but you have to pick something a theme that you are going to stick with throughout the semester. And I am sticking to hand bowls.

They have a lot of meaning to me. It could be to hold something, to admire, to give, to place. I just think of it in many different ways.

I am thinking about trying to get into some installation art where I set up a memorial kind of thing with hands.

I am going to explain it like this....

I will have sculpted hands out of clay, in the manner that hands are seen on a body in a casket. They will be sitting on a pillow, with a blanket. On the left and right sides of this will be flowers in vases (to give it that funeral feel-- and hopefully viewers will understand the concept that it is supposed to be a funeral setting).

Then there will be post it notes. I want the viewers to write down the name of a loved one they have lost, or a place that reminds them of that person/animal, or a memory. I want the wall behind the installation and the side walls of the installation to be filled.

I think it would be a good way for all viewers to connect to the artwork but also for the viewers to connect with me, and themselves, people around them.

It is just an idea, but I would really like to do that.
Hopefully no one steals my idea, i would be very upset. :(

Monday, September 13, 2010

Stressed Out

So stressed out...
I need to sleep, and well... I need carbs.
ANyway... I can't get myself to write a paper responding to the article called "the designerly ways of knowing" It doesn't seem to be too hard, and it only has to be two pages, but I just can't get myself to do it. I guess I have until 11:30am tomorrow morning....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Its been a while...

I guess I haven't updated this in awhile...

Maybe there should be a recap? But I know what has been going on in my life so it is all fine, I got a new boyfriend who I absolutely love and want to marry.

5th year of college is going well so far, I actually should be writing a paper instead of updating my blogger, but whatever. I am trying to make this into a practice where I do this everyday, lets see if it sticks.

I cannot wait to get this paper finished (whenever I start it) and my other homework completed. I just look forward to weekends so much since school semi blows.

Also, I am on a diet so I am a complete bitch. Apparently I am not supposed to eat carbs, but I just had a handful of cheerios. haha. Well I guess I should stop cheating so all of my hard work pays off. I am just so hungry, being a fat chick on a diet where it is basically starving yourself is hard work. Its no bueno.

Class tonight from 6 to 8:50pm, at least I have the homework for that class done... lol.

Okies well....