Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring Break can't come any sooner...

I totally need spring break right now. Only 2 more days.

I woke up today thinking that today would be a waste of perfectly good paint, but I was wrong. I did start out doing a painting of an orange flower, on a window sill, soaking up the sun. But... that turned out looking like shit. (partly because I wasn't feeling good, had a headache, stomach ache, and I wasn't really into painting). After I got back from Bio, I decided to try again, so I painted black over the whole painting, which was quite liberating. haha. Then I began to paint my seashell, turned out really well.

Tomorrow I am going to go back to that professor's office for him to look over my artwork again. Last time he said that if I made all the corrections on my pieces that he was pretty confident that I would make it into the program this time. So now instead of feeling relief, I am freaking out. Because what if I didn't improve and I did worse haha. I don't know.

I think I need to start doing drugs. Too bad I can't smoke because I have asthma. I did do pot a few times, first time was on thanksgiving of.... 2007? lol, I really can't remember. I fell off an exercise ball and into a door that night good times. I would rather drink

Right now my drink of choice is tequila! It is very yum, and mixed with V8 mango peach juice it tastes absolutely amazing. I think because I don't have dance at 8am tomorrow morning I will drink tonight. I am in the mood to get shit faced. Too bad my roommates won't drink haha.

I think I have a.d.d.

okay bye! cya next time!


Matu said...

Hehe :D I likes you a lot reading this post.
I would drink with ya :)